Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Game Mechanics: Elemental Focuses

In Forge of the Elements characters may choose an elemental path granting additional resistances and combat bonuses. The elemental path also increases the player's spell level with all spells using that element as well as opening up 4 unique spells. The unique spells are designed to be castable by non-caster melee hybrids as well. In the following post, I will break down each of the elements and benefits they will grant to a player in addition to listing the spells. (Elemental Focus specific spells are in bold)


The path of fire allows the player to channel the destructive powers of flame and summon fiends from the depths of hell. Fire is a straight forward path offering destructive power.

Primary School: Evocation
Secondary School: Conjuration


lvl 6: Fiery Essence I -- Physical Blows will cause a small amount of fire damage.
lvl 10: Fire Resist I -- Adds a small amount of Fire Resistance to the player.
lvl 12: Fiery Essence II -- Physical Blows will cause a small blast of fire damage.
lvl 18: Fiery Essence III -- Physical Blows will cause a moderate blast of fire damage, dealing significant damage.
lvl 20: Fire Resistance II-- Adds a moderate amount of Fire Resistance.


22-- "Plasma Ray" {Evocation} {Ray} -- 1/2 Fire 1/2 Temporal Damage, Heavy Damage.
20 -- "Hell Fiend" {Conjuration} {Target} -- Summons a powerful Hell Fiend
18 -- "Consuming Flame" {Enchantment} {PBAE} -- Ignite,Fear
17 -- "Hellfire" ***** {PBAE} -- Fire Damage, Ignite, Good Damage
14 -- "Dragon Skin" {Transmutation} {Self} -- Resist Burning, AC
13 -- "Flame Breath" ***** {Cone} -- Fire damage, High Damage
10 -- "Heat Blast" {Evocation} {PBAE} -- Fire Damage, Extreme Damage, Small Area of Effect
8 -- "Pillar of Smoke" ***** {Ball} -- Blind, Daze
7 -- "Blast" {Transmutation} {Ball} -- 1/2 Fire 1/2 Physical Damage, Knock back. Good Damage
5 -- "Fire Ball" {Conjuration} {Ball} -- Fire Damage, Moderate Damage
3 -- "Torch" {Enchantment} {Bolt} -- Ignite, Fear
2 -- "Set Ablaze" ***** {Bolt} -- Fire Damage, Ignite, Low Damage
1 -- "Burn" {Evocation} {Bolt} -- Fire Damage, High Damage
1 -- "Summon Imp" {Conjuration} {Target} -- Summons a fire flinging Imp


The path of Ice allows the player to channel frost and ice, freezing foes and summon constructs of elemental cold. Ice is a primarily offensive path with the ability to slow and immobilize foes.

Primary School: Conjuration
Secondary School: Evocation


lvl 6: Icey Essence I -- Physical Blows will cause a small amount of ice damage.
lvl 10: Cold Resist I -- Adds a small amount of Cold Resistance to the player.
lvl 12: Icey Essence II -- Physical Blows will cause a small blast of ice damage.
lvl 18: Icey Essence III -- Physical Blows will cause a moderate blast of ice damage, dealing significant damage.
lvl 20: Cold Resist II -- Adds a moderate amount of Cold Resistance to the player.


22 -- "Blizzard" {Conjuration} {PBAE} -- Ice Damage, Frozen, Daze, Moderate Damage
20-- "Ice Wave" {Evocation} {PBAE} -- 1/2 Physical, 1/2 Frost Damage, High Damage, Large Area of Effect.
18 -- "Ambient Drain" {Transmutation} {Cone} -- Frozen, Mana Drain
17 -- "Blizzard Elemental" ***** {Target} -- Summon Frost Elemental
14 -- "Deep Freeze" {Enchantment} {Cone} -- Immobilize, Frozen
13 -- "Frost Nova" ***** {PBAE} -- Frozen, Cold damage, Medium Damage
10 -- "Ice Golem" {Conjuration} {Target} -- Summons a hearty Ice Golem
8 -- "Ice Shards" ***** {Cone} -- 1/2 Cold 1/2 Physical, Good Damage, Daze
7 -- "Cone of Cold" {Evocation} {Cone} -- Cold Damage, Good Damage, Medium Range
5 -- "Freeze" {Enchantment} {Target} -- Frozen, Immobilize
3 -- "Chill" {Transmutation} {Target} -- Frozen, Stun
2 -- "Fling Ice" ***** {Bolt} -- Cold Damage, Daze, Low Damage
1 -- "Frozen Spike" {Conjuration} {Bolt} -- 1/2 Ice 1/2 Physical Damage, High Damage
1 -- "Frost" {Evocation} {Bolt} -- Cold Damage, High Damage


The path of Acid allows players to channel the destructive powers of acid and instill themselves with corrosive energies making them more evasive in combat. Acid offers a mix of offensive power and self empowerment.

Primary School: Evocation
Secondary School: Transmutation


lvl 6: Toxic Essence I -- Physical Blows will cause a small amount of acid damage.
lvl 10: Acid Resist I -- Adds a small amount of Acid Resistance to the player.
lvl 12: Toxic Essence II -- Physical Blows will cause a small blast of acid damage.
lvl 18: Toxic Essence III -- Physical Blows will cause a moderate blast of acid damage, dealing significant damage.
lvl 20: Acid Resist II -- Adds a moderate amount of Acid Resistance to the player.


22-- "Dissolve" {Evocation} {Ray} -- 1/2 Acid, 1/2 Temporal Damage, Heavy Damage.
20 -- "Sublime Essence" {Transmutation} {Self} -- +Dodge, +Speed
18 -- "Caustic Vapors" {Conjuration} {Ball} -- Acid Damage, Blind, Medium Damage
17 -- "Toxic Sludge" ***** {PBAE} -- Acid Damage, Immobilize, Good
14 -- "Corrosive Barrier" {Transmutation} {Self} -- +Def, Resist Poison
13 -- "Acid Breath" ***** {Cone} -- Acid Damage, Corrode, Good Damage
10 -- "Corrosive Blast" {Enchantment} {Ball} -- Corrode, Poison, Weaken
8 -- "Alkaloid" ***** {Self} -- Regen, Resist Corrode
7 -- "Venom Ball" {Conjuration} {Ball} -- Acid Damage, poison, Medium Damage
5-- "Sulfuric Blast" {Evocation} {Cone} -- Acid damage, Good Damage
3 -- "Envenom" {Enchantment} {Cone} -- Corrode, Poison, Weak
2 -- "Spit" ***** {Bolt} -- Acid Damage, Corrode, Low Damage
1 -- "Sting" {Evocation} {Bolt} -- Acid Damage, High Damage
1 -- "Etching of Ability" {Transmutation} {Target} -- +Dexterity


The path of earth grants the player power over the earth itself, granting the player strength and power. Earth offers a variety of defensive and utility spells.

Primary School: Transmutation
Secondary School: Conjuration


lvl 1: Stony Skin-- As the player becomes more attune with the forces of earth, their skin will harden granting them a bonus to armor class.
lvl 6: Earth Strength I -- Physical Blows will cause a small amount of additional damage and daze foes.
lvl 12: Earth Strength II -- Physical Blows will cause a small shock wave dazing foes and dealing a small amount of physical damage.
lvl 18: Earth Strength III -- Physical Blows will cause a moderate shock wave dazing foes.


22 -- "Earth Meld" {Transmutation} {Self} -- Wall Walking, Resist Fire+, Resist Cold+, Resist Temporal+, Resist Acid+,Con+
20 -- "Entomb" {Conjuration} {Self} -- Surrounds caster with stone walls
18 -- "Crystallize" {Enchantment} {Ray} -- Paralyze
17 -- "Hammer Strike" ***** {Ball} -- Physical Damage, Stun, Good Damage
14-- "Quake" {Evocation} {PBAE} -- Physical Damage, Moderate Damage, Huge Area of Effect.
13 -- "Iron Skin" ***** {Self} -- +Defense, Regen
10 -- "Mud Elemental" {Conjuration} {Target} -- Summons a loyal mud elemental
8 -- "Fling Mud" ***** {Bolt} -- Physical Damage, Immobilize, Medium Damage
7 -- "Stoning" {Enchantment} {Target} -- Paralyze
5 -- "Dig" -- {Transmutation} {Ray} -- Digs into walls
3 -- "Sand Blast" {Evocation} {Bolt} -- Physical Damage, Blind, Medium Damage
2 -- "Earth Knowledge" ***** {Self} -- Magic Mapping
1 -- "Stone Spike" {Conjuration} {Bolt} -- Physical Damage, High Damage
1 -- "Strength of Stone" {Transmutation} {Self} -- +Strength


Mastery over temporal energy grants the player the ability to warp time and space. Mages and Warriors following this path will blink in and out of existence and alter the flow of time.

Primary School: Transmutation
Secondary School: Enchantment


lvl 1: Swiftness -- As the player becomes more attune with temporal forces, their speed will increase moderately.
lvl 10: Resist Temporal I -- Adds a small amount of Temporal Resistance to the player.
lvl 20: Resist Temporal II -- Adds a moderate amount of Temporal Resistance to the player.


22 -- "Warp" {Transmutation} {Cone} -- Temporal Damage, Daze, Push, Heavy Damage
20 -- "Stop Time" {Enchantment} {PBAE} -- Freezes Time (PBAE stop)
18 -- "Force Ball" {Temporal} {Ball} -- Physical Damage, knock back, Medium Damage
17 -- "Escape" ***** {Self} -- Travel to level entrance
14-- "Disintegrate" {Evocation} {Ray} -- Temporal Damage, Moderate Damage
13 -- "Teleport" ***** {Self} -- Randomly relocates
10 -- "Bend Light" {Transmutation} {Self} -- Invisibility
8 -- "Blink" ***** {Self} -- Relocates within view
7 -- "Slow Field" {Enchantment} {PBAE} -- Slow
5 -- "Crush" {Evocation} {Target} -- Physical Damage, High Damage
3 -- "Temporal Bubble" {Conjuration} {Target} -- Stop
2 -- "Teleport Foe" ***** {Target} -- Teleports a foe to an adjacent tile
1 -- "Displace" {Transmutation} {Bolt} -- Temporal Damage, pull, High Damage
1 -- "Slow" {Enchant} {Target} -- Slow


Mastering the path of Mind grants a variety of ways to alter an enemies perception and state. Mind grants offensive power both through damage and debilitation. Mind also allows a player to go unnoticed if they choose.

Primary School: Enchantment
Secondary School: Evocation


lvl 6: Madness I -- Physical Blows will cause madness, confusing foes.
lvl 10: Psychic Resist I -- Adds a small amount of Psychic Resistance to the player.
lvl 12: Madness II -- Physical Blows will cause a small blast of madness, confusing adjacent foes.
lvl 18: Madness III -- Physical Blows will cause a moderate blast of madness, confusing foes.
lvl 20: Resist Psychic II -- Adds a moderate amount of Psychic Resistance to the player.


22 -- "Dominate" {Enchantment} {Target} -- Enslaves the target's mind, target must be susceptible to confusion.
20-- "Psywave" {Evocation} {PBAE} -- 1/2 Psychic 1/2 Physical Damage, High Damage, Large Area of Effect.
18 -- "Flowing Mind" {Transmutation} {Self} -- +Mana Regen
17 -- "Fade Memories" ***** {Self} -- Invisible, enemies forget caster
14 -- "Illusory Horrors" {Conjuration} {Cone} -- Psychic Damage, Confusion, Medium Damage
13 -- "Mass Sleep" ***** {Ball} -- Sleep
10 -- "Mind Rot" {Enchantment} {Target} -- Disease, Daze, Confuse
8 -- "Mana Burn" ***** {Bolt} -- Mana Damage, Psychic Damage
7 -- "Psy Lance" {Evocation} {Ray} -- Psychic damage, Good Damage
5 -- "Nightmare" {Conjuration} {Target} -- Fear, Confusion
3 -- "Clairvoyance" {Transmutation} {Self} -- +Dodge
2 -- "Identify" ***** {Self} -- Identify
1 -- "Lull" {Enchantment} {Target} -- Lull
1 -- "Psy Dart" {Evocation} {Bolt} -- Psychic Damage, High Damage


Players following the path of life, will wield the power of light and restoration. Life offers a variety of ways to blind and disorient foes while harnessing protective and healing energies.

Primary School: Enchantment
Secondary School: Transmutation


lvl 6: Illumination I -- Physical Blows will cause a small flash of light, blinding foes.
lvl 10: Life Resist I -- Adds a small amount of Life Resistance to the player.
lvl 12: Illumination II -- Physical Blows will cause a small blast light, blinding adjacent foes.
lvl 18: Illumination III -- Physical Blows will cause a moderate blast of light, blinding nearby foes.
lvl 20: Life Resist II -- Adds a moderate amount of Life Resistance to the player.


22 -- "Judgment" {Enchantment} {PBAE} -- Life Damage, Burning, Blind, Moderate Damage
20 -- "Deava Form" {Transmutation} {Self} -- +Wisdom, Resist Blind, See Invisible, +Constitution
18-- "Smite" {Evocation} {Target} -- Life Damage, Good Damage Stun.
17 -- "Heroism" ***** {Self} -- +Strength, Haste
14 -- "Flash of Light" {Conjuration} {PBAE} -- Life Damage, Blind, Medium Damage
13 -- "Holy Shield" ***** {Target} -- +Block, +AC
10 -- "Sun Beam" {Evocation} {Ray} -- Life Damage, Moderate Damage
8 -- "Cleanse" ***** {Self} -- Removes several status effects
7 -- "Regen" {Transmutation} {Self} -- Regen
5 -- "Courage" {Enchantment} {Self} -- Resist Fear, Resist Confusion
3 -- "Dazzling Light" {Conjuration} {Ball} -- Life Damage, Daze, Medium Damage
2 -- "Remove Curse" ***** {Self} -- Removes curses
1 -- "Heal" {Transmutation} {Self} -- Heal
1 -- "Awe" {Enchantment} {Target} -- Weakened, Life Damage, Medium Damage


The dark powers of death plague foes and siphon energy. Following the path of death will grant players mastery over disease, undeath, and life energies.

Primary School: Conjuration
Secondary School: Enchantment


lvl 6: Siphon Soul I -- Physical Blows will drain a small amout of life.
lvl 10: Death Resist I -- Adds a small amount of Death Resistance to the player.
lvl 12: Siphon Soul II -- Physical Blows will cause a small blast of life draining negative damage.
lvl 18: Siphon Soul III -- Physical Blows will cause a moderate blast of life draining negative damage.
lvl 20: Death Resist II -- Adds a moderate amount of Death Resistance to the player.


22 --"Summon Lich" {Conjuration} {Target} -- Summons a Pet Lich, a powerful dark caster
20 -- "Necrosis" {Enchantment} {Ball} -- Weakened, Diseased, Poisoned, Dazed
18-- "Vampiric Feast" {Evocation} {PBAE} -- Negative Damage, Moderate Damage, Drains Hit Points, Moderate Area of Effect.
17 -- "Hand of Death" ***** {Target} -- Paralyze, 1/2 Cold, 1/2 Negative Damage, Medium Damage
14 -- "Sepsis" {Echantment} {Target} -- Weakened, Diseased, Poison, Dazed
13 -- "Terror" ***** {Target} -- Afraid, 1/2 Negative, 1/2 Psychic, Medium Damage
10 -- "Rot" {Transmutation} {Cone} -- Disease, Corrosion, Negative Damage, Moderate Damage
8 -- "Flesh to Power" ***** {Self} -- Converts hp to mana, Fear
7 -- " Summon Horror" {Conjuration} {Target} -- Summons a stealthy Horror capable of instilling madness
5 -- "Infuse Undeath" -- {Transmutation} {Self} -- Resist Disease, Resist Confusion
3 -- "Nether Bolt" {Evocation} {Bolt} -- Negative Damage, High Damage
2 -- "Drain Life" ***** {Bolt} -- Negative Damage, Heals Caster
1 -- "Summon Zombie" {Conjuration} {Target} -- Pet Zombie
1 -- "Horrify" {Enchantment} {Target} -- Afraid

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