Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Game Mechanics: Negative Status Effects

In Forge of the Elements, negative status effects prove not only an effective tool in dispatching foes but also a grave risk to adventurers. For casters, disabling foes is often the only defense available. For melee characters, negative status effects prove the only real threat. In the following post, I will explain the negative status effects in game to help players get started.

Blind: Reduces vision radius to two squares and lowers attack. Limiting field of view prevents ranged targeting.

Burn: Damage over time, modified by wisdom bonus and level.

Confuse: Prevents player from using ranged combat, may cause random movement. Causes AI to be unable to determine friend from foe.

Corrode: Lowers AC, defense, and attack.

Daze: Lowers block and dodge chance, prevents casting.

Disease: Causes enemies to degenerate, reduces healing.

Drain: Not yet implemented!

Fear: Causes AI to flee in terror, prevents player from making melee attacks.

Frozen: Lowers speed slightly.

Immobilize: Prevents movement.

Knock Back: Knocks enemies back two spaces.

Invisible: Raises stealth level.

Lull: Makes AI far less likely to become aware of enemies unless attacked.

Paralyze: Prevents all action for several turns.

Poison: Acid damage over time, modified by wisdom modifier and level.

Pull: Pulls a foe closer.

Sleep: AI and Player fall asleep.

Slow: Drastically lowers speed, causes AI to lose all action points.

Stop: Massive speed loss for one turn.

Stun: Prevents all action for one turn.

Weakened: Lowers damage from melee and ranged combat.

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